
Data download

zipped csv file that contains the prediction result of Highly specific
9 MB
zipped csv file that contains the prediction result of Specific
10 MB
zipped csv file that contains the prediction result of Sensitive
40 MB
zipped csv file that contains the prediction result of Highly sensitive
104 MB
prediction results Header for the above csv files
1 KB
csv file that contains the stem, lymph, breast and kidney microRNA expression values (normalised and rescaled to 1-100, zero values represent unavailability of expression values)
10 KB
csv file that contains the RefSeq/Entrez transcript to Gene name map
1 MB
csv file that contains hiPathDB's gene to pathway map
7 MB
SQL file that includes the CREATE statements for the database tables
25 KB
SQL file that includes the INSERT statements for all miRTar2GO data
2.3 GB
READ ME file that includes the table descriptions for the SQL dump file
1 KB